
Monday, October 15, 2012

The March Of Life In Poland- a march against anti-Semitism

What a touching video.  Andre Gasiorowski of Helping Hand Coalition, a primarily Christian organization helping Holocaust survivors in Israel, sponsored the "March Of Life in Poland". 

From August 19 - 24, 270 international participants from Germany, the US, and Israel will walk together with 150 participants from Poland a distance of 2200 kilometers all across Poland. Over 50 members of the German delegation are descendants of members of Wehrmacht, police, or SS, who were directly involved in the war of annihilation and the Holocaust in Poland. Memorial Ceremonies will take place at historic memorial sites, such as Auschwitz, Kielce and Treblinka. On August 23, the Keynote Ceremony will take place in Warsaw in the presence of representatives of the spheres of politics and society both from Poland and Israel, among them the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Lia Shemtov. Following the principle of Remembering, Reconciling and Shaping the Future in Friendship, the participants want to honor the survivors of the Holocaust with this reconciliation march, and make a statement for Israel and against anti-Semitism.
With the plethora of Holocaust deniers out there, this is so refreshing.

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